Android Tablet or Phone with TERMUX

CINELERRA-GG can be run on Android (without audio), a non-x86 mostly posix system, tablet or phone after installing TERMUX, the terminal emulator. You will have to do your own build using the file in Cinelerra's blds subdirectory, termux.bld. Because this is a relatively new capability and of lesser use, some additional effort may have to be exerted on your part to get it going but it is easy to get help by contacting the mailing list. In addition, there is currently no known procedure for hearing audio.

Figure 1.2: Screencast of an Android tablet running CINELERRA-GG using TERMUX.
Image android

Some requirements include;

  1. Termux runs with X on Android 7+.
  2. Install takes 5 GB of internal storage. In addition you can download videos, and other files with wget to one specific location at sdcard after running termux-setup-storage inside termux (it will prompt you to give access to sdcard graphically the first time used).
  3. If you have empty versions of locale.alias, locale.dir, and
    you will have to request non-empty versions via the mailing list.
  4. Some helpful information on installing the X environment is at:
  5. To prevent crashing when loading a video file that has audio, use the guide which explains vnc/pulseaudio setup.

A little more about Audio is presented next because you will need to have this running in order to prevent a crash (even though you still will not be able to hear audio) – there does not seem to be a simple PA client in termux itself. Some information is available at: .

The next few lines show a successful setup/usage.
$ pulseaudio --start
$ ps axv
 7003 pts/28 S<s 0:00 637 532 9039 1716 0.0 /data/data/com
13684 ? S<l 0:00 0 49 123898 16616 0.8 pulseaudio --
13692 pts/28 R<+ 0:00 0 63 7500 1420 0.0 ps axv
$ pactl load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= auth-anonymous=116
$ PULSE_SERVER= pactl info
Server String:
Library Protocol Version: 34
Server Protocol Version: 34
Is Local: no
Client Index: 2
Tile Size: 65496
User Name: u0_a116
Host Name: localhost
Server Name: pulseaudio
Server Version: 14.2
Default Sample Specification: s16le 2ch 44100Hz
Default Channel Map: front-left,front-right
Default Sink: OpenSL_ES_sink
Default Source: OpenSL_ES_sink.monitor
Cookie: c659:c1b7

Now to start up CINELERRA-GG, type in:
        $ cd (your cinelerra directory)/cinelerra/cinelerra-5.1/
        $ PULSE_SERVER= ./

You can even build a package version similiar to Debian, just with "pkg search pkg_name / pkg install pkg_name" instead of "apt search/install pkg_name" and with "*-static" instead of "*-dev/-devel packages". For more information on this, see:

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021