Track Popup Menu

Each Track has a popup menu. To activate the track popup menu, Right mouse click (RMB) on the track. The popup menu affects the track whether the track is armed on the patchbay or not. The Track Menu contains a number of options:

Attach Effect
opens a dialog box of effects applicable to the type of track of audio or video.
Move up
allows for changing the order of the tracks up; the actual code refers to this as a swap. Disarmed tracks affect the results.
Move down
allow for changing the order of the tracks down; the actual code refers to this as a swap. Disarmed tracks affect the results.
Roll up
moves the tracks one step up in the stack with the top track going to the bottom. This is applicable to all armed and disarmed tracks.
Roll down
moves the tracks one step down in the stack with the bottom track going to the top. This is applicable to all armed and disarmed tracks.
Delete track
removes the track from the timeline.
Add Track
adds a track of the same media type as the one selected, audio or video, above the selected track.
Find in Resources
the media file on that track at the location of the insert pointer will be highlighted in the media folder in the Resources window. If the Resources window is closed, media is found and highlighted but the Resources window is not displayed.
Show edit
will point out the exact start and stop points along with the length of the current edit on that track as well as the media name, track name and number, and edit number.
User title
is used to change the title name. This is really handy for files that have very long and similar names that would get cut off during edits. You can use short names to better differentiate the media. In Drag and Drop editing mode, if you select multiple edits all of those clips will have their title name changed.
Bar color
allows the user to select a specific color for the title bar. This helps to more easily locate a piece of media.
Resize Track
resizes the track; this is only applicable to video tracks.
Match Output Size
resizes the track to match the current output size; this is only applicable to video tracks.

The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021