Shadows and Highlig...
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Shadows and Highlights

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Hello everyone!

I often record top views of roads and there are lots of tree shadows.

For images darktable makes an awesome job with the shadow / highlight plugin.

How would you do that for video with cin? There are so many plugins at cin and I feel confused with many of them.

Este debate ha sido modificado el hace 3 años 2 veces por cincity

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Respuestas: 372



To me "histeq" looked good on your 5-without.jpg example with "F_histeq" as an alternative for the ffmpeg version.  Color 3 Way has "shadows" as an option, but I never even got any good results.

cincity reaccionó
Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 423

The most commonly used tools for lightening shadows in a video are 3 Color Way (brightness [Value] sliders only, not color wheels. If you increase the brightness of the shadows you may need to decrease midtones and highlights slightly, to an acceptable balance) and the brightness curve histogram (to use polynomial or Bezier's curves. For curves, it is important to figure out the area to work on and then set the limits [nodes] so that only the inside of the range is altered but not the outside). The former is more convenient and easy to use, the latter requires experience and practice but can provide very accurate results. It is also important to use keyframes because an adjustment made on one frame may not work well on subsequent frames, which require further modification.

cincity reaccionó
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Oh, THANK YOU ! that explains why my just adjusting Value of the Shadows came out badly.  Now when I do it and modify Midtones and Highligts slightly, I get reasonable  results.

cincity reaccionó
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which effect would it be exactly to attach to the clip?

Should I use use the "normal" filters or these "ffmpeg" ones?

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As Andrea noted, Color 3 Way is the very best one to use in your case.  It gives you very fine control.  Histeq is for users like me who do not understand Color Management.

Should I use use the "normal" filters or these "ffmpeg" ones?

The "normal" filters were designed specifically for Cinelerra and the only ones that existed for many years and therefore are highly tuned to CinGG.  It sounds like in your case, using the normal ones should be your first choice and then if you find nothing that fits your requirement, refer to the "ffmpeg" ones.  However, for users who are quite well versed in the use of ffmpeg, they might want to use the ffmpeg ones.  BTW, if you right mouse click on the blank space in the Resources window when the "Video Effects" folder is highlighted, you can turn on "Info" and then any time you highlight one of the effects, a yellow colored one line information comes up.  To turn it back off, right mouse click on an empty space and choose "Info off".  This gives you a quick way to see what the effect does.  For a more detailed explanation, highlight a video effect and if you have a browser up, use Alt-h to get the manual page up for that effect.

cincity reaccionó
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Thank you very much. It works very well !!

At the moment I have lots plugins inserted and there is one line (in the timeline) for each of them.

Is there a better way to deal with it? Say as long as clips are stick together at one video track.

Could plugins like Histogram  be controlled via keyframes?

A first version of the clip is ready ->

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 3 años 2 veces por cincity

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Posted by: @cincity

Could plugins like Histogram  be controlled via keyframes?


All the plugins are keyframable (if there are any exceptions I have not found them yet), so if using the same plugins on all clips, but with different settings, only one instance of each plugin is required. For example, to use Histogram and Hue saturation attach one instance of each, enable keyframes (the horizontal key icon above the timeline), align the playhead at the beginning of a clip and make an adjustment, a yellow key symbol will appear on the effect at that point. Adjust the other effect and the same thing happens. Put the playhead at the beginning of the next clip and skip back one frame, touch the adjuster on each effect and return it to the setting you made, to set another keyframe at that setting, then forward to the next clip, make adjustments for that to set the next keyframe and repeat. It is necessary to set beginning and end keyframes per clip, otherwise the setting for one clip will change to the setting of the next one.

cincity reaccionó
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Respondido por: @dejay

Posted by: @cincity

Could plugins like Histogram  be controlled via keyframes?


All the plugins are keyframable (if there are any exceptions I have not found them yet), so if using the same plugins on all clips, but with different settings, only one instance of each plugin is required. For example, to use Histogram and Hue saturation attach one instance of each, enable keyframes (the horizontal key icon above the timeline), align the playhead at the beginning of a clip and make an adjustment, a yellow key symbol will appear on the effect at that point. Adjust the other effect and the same thing happens. Put the playhead at the beginning of the next clip and skip back one frame, touch the adjuster on each effect and return it to the setting you made, to set another keyframe at that setting, then forward to the next clip, make adjustments for that to set the next keyframe and repeat. It is necessary to set beginning and end keyframes per clip, otherwise the setting for one clip will change to the setting of the next one.


Thank you very much.

That helped me to understand that it works with the horizontal key above the timeline 🙂

