Tutorials [Esp]
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Tutorials [Esp]

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New tutorials in Spanish, thanks to Raf Mar. They are very well done and instructive. There are tutorial videos on Youtube and html on the blog.

Youtube channel:




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Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 242

Another new tutorial by Rafa on generic use of effects and all of its features.  To me it provides a very thorough explanation of how to take advantage of the effects and how to use them.  It does not go into any specific one as there are so many.


The BEST part about his tutorials is the fact that the blog style html allows for automatic translation in any other language with lots of images.




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Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 242

Chapter 4 Spanish on Transitions is now available from Rafa at:




I am hoping for Camera and Projector soon so I can use some of the wording for the manual.

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Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 242

By RafaMar -- Very thorough explanation of using Masks to include with keyframes, which some users may not be aware of their usefulness in conjunction with masks.  As usual there is the YouTube video and the tutorial which has all of the language translations available.



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Another video and tutorial from RafaMar, the Audio/Video Technician.  This one is on a lesser known but very useful feature of sequence lists.



One of the special benefits of using a sequence list is in the case where you have a bunch of photos on your camera of type jpg.  To load each one at a time via concatentation to the track is slow, whereas they load a lot faster using a sequence list.

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This Shortcuts video and tutorial by RafaMar are a very good assist to basic understanding of the keyboard layout.  And then goes over where shortcuts and hints in Cinelerra can be easily found so that you do not have to memorize them.




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I just got a surprise, I can already comment on the forum 🙂 😊 
Thank you very much @andreapaz and @phyllissmith for posting it here.

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Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 242

Rafa Mar reaccionó
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Registrado: hace 6 años
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Good news for the Spanish users!

The Manual is gradually being translated from English to Spanish by Sergio -- this is a much appreciated addition and an overwhelming goal to accomplish. The Introduction and Installation chapters are complete and the beginning of the 4+ Windows is done through page 32. You can view this at:


He is also testing and correcting as he moves along so that we can fix the errors he finds in the English manual also.


SergioDanielG y Rafa Mar reaccionaron
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Registrado: hace 5 años
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Buen Trabajo Amigo Sergio.

Realmente será muy útil para personas que no dominan el inglés. 🙂 

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 5 años por Rafa Mar

SergioDanielG reaccionó
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Respuestas: 3

Thanks for give me the oportunity to return a little to Cin-GG. Thaks for the manual, it's the best and really comprehensive user manual. I'm reading the manual, reading I'm learning, if I learn is because I understood and if I understood, I can translate the manual to help other people discovet Cin-GG

Rafa Mar reaccionó
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Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 242

RafaMar has now created a Chapter 10 -

From mobile to YouTube with animated background. From vertical to horizontal.

Reading this or watching the youtube video is so useful for anyone who just wants to be able to do this without having to learn every little thing about CinelerraGG.



The end result looks exactly like what you see on TV.

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Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 242

Chapter 11 by RafaMar is now available.  This covers Tracks and Shared Effects. This is very thorough and completely shows it usefulness.  You don't have to understand Spanish to understand the youtube video.



Reputable Member Admin
Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 242

RafaMar has released Chapter 12 which covers the BoxBlur plugin.  He shows how to make really good use of this plugin.  Again, translated tutorial + youtube video.





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Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 242

Chapter 13 on Drag and Drop editing mode by RafaMar.  The tutorial is enhanced with animation gif's so is really, really good.  As usual both the youtube video and the tutorial that you can automatically translate into any language are available.





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