Última vez visto el: Nov 23, 2024
With these new information I will try to track this interpolation technology. minterpolate is already a really good thing in combination with cin ca...
Please look here. MAybe I just don't understand correctly what is meant by "Other options include slowmoVideo and Butterflow."
The results are really impressive. No need for me to waste time with the not working slomoVideo stuff for the moment (I already spent >5 hours on t...
Fantastic work. Thank you so much. I 'm going to check that out (both - Export to PNG and the FFMPEG interpolation). For the moment I'm going wi...
Darktable, Avidemux, cin and FFMPEG work like a charm. I'm going to do it now with animated images. But a very interesting software to watch.
I just bought the Sirui Anamorphic Lens for APS-C 🙂
I must say I was wrong with appimages at my entry post. It of course isn't the appimage that's bad but the lack of output when something goes wrong an...
trixie has some transition packages (t64). Installing libfuse2t64 makes the appimages working again without dependencies trouble (at least in my cas...
This is a good working solution. For me this method is best. You just need one package (libsuil-0-0) which luckily is inside the multimedia repo of ...
I'm following now
@phylsmith2004 Thank you very much. Wouldn't it be possible to deploy the source code too? (Maybe I 'd stuck with it too) These appimages are a...
Thank you very much for your detailed post. It looks I already have done all possible performance settings. It's a very good idea to check the ach...
@igorbeg I'm glad you like it 🙂 I had a lot of trouble with the colors. I used the golden keys for the first time (as you might know ...)...
Thank you for your comments. It is often a challenge to find matching music. This choice seems to be good. The scene with the defibrillator has bad ...
It's always cool here to have people who make films and participate to cin and the community. What I can say about cinelerra it is super efficient w...