Download Already Built CINELERRA-GG

Figure 1.1: Screencast of the website Download page for installing CINELERRA-GG for various O/S.
Image download-distros

All of these images are dated 10/31/2020 and are no longer being maintained. They will still work on the version of the O/S in use at that time but will have none of the latest features. You should use the simpler AppImage instead as described previously.

If you prefer to not have to take the time to build CINELERRA-GG Infinity yourself, there are pre-built dynamic or static binaries for various versions of Ubuntu, Mint, Suse, Fedora, Debian, Centos, Arch, and Slackware linux as well as Gentoo and FreeBSD. If you do want to build it yourself so that you get the added benefit of the latest checked in changes, please reference  1.3. A Windows 10 version installation is described in 1.5. There are also 32-bit i686 Ubuntu, Debian, and Slackware versions available2. These binaries are no longer being updated; they are stable and working but without future functionality. They are in subdirectories of:

The tars directory contains single-user static builds for different distros. This is the recommended usage of CINELERRA-GG because all of the files will exist in a single directory. Generally all of the necessary libraries are built into the static build, but in some cases you may have to install another library that is being called for. To install the single user builds, download the designated tarball from the ./tars subdirectory and unpack as indicated below:

	cd /path
	mkdir cin
	cd cin
	tar -xJf /src/path/cinelerra-5.1-*.txz  # for the *, substitute your distro tarball name

Do not download the LEAP 10-bit version unless you specifically want to use h265 rendering to 10-bit instead of the more standard 8-bit. For more information see 1.8.

The pkgs directory contains the standard packaged application for various distros. This will install a dynamic system version for users who prefer to have the binaries in the system area and for multi-user systems. In addition, performing the package install checks the md5sum in the file md5sum.txt to ensure the channel correctly transmits the package. There is a README.pkgs file in the download directory with instructions so you can cut and paste and avoid typos; it is also shown next.

Listing: README.pkgs
# Depending on the distro, use the instructions below and
# select the appropriate setup operations to install, update
# or remove cinelerr-gg infinity. (11/24/2019) To upgrade,
# refresh repo, then replace "install" with "update", or
# whatever.

# Email problems to [email protected]. If
# repository problems, usually you can manually do an
# install by using:

# and install it manually:
dpkg -i cin_5.1.{substitute_filename}.deb

# and install it manually:
pacman -U cin_5.1.{substitute_filename}.pkg.tar.xz

# and install it manually:
dnf install cin_5.1.{substitute_filename}.rpm

# and install it manually:
zypper install cin_5.1.{substitute_filename}.rpm

# and install it manually:
yum localinstall cin_5.1.{substitute_filename}.rpm

# There are static and dynamic tarballs for
# Base Release 2.6
# download one of the above and then refer to README.txt

# There is a tarball based on FreeBSD version 12.1 at
# download the above and then refer to README.txt

# Replace the XX in fedoraXX in the next
# line with your current O/S version number
dnf install cinelerra --nogpgcheck --repofrompath cingg,
# dnf erase cinelerra

# Python 2 has been updated for other distros to Python 3 so
# you might have to create a soft link to get the correct
# version. For help, send email to
# [email protected] first create the file
# /etc/yum.repos.d/cin_gg, with the following contents:
# end of cin_gg
yum install cinelerra
# yum erase cinelerra

# UBUNTU, replace ub14 with your distro id: ub16,ub18 Some
# ubuntu apt downloads register status as working 0%
# constantly while running the package download, like ubuntu
# 14. It may take a few minutes for this step so be patient.
apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https

# UBUNTU 16/18 note - This has been known to work, but
# things change quickly:
# VIP - for the first install, the above line adds cinelerra
# to /etc/apt/sources.list but... Version 16/18 of Ubuntu
# are more strict for licensing so you will have to edit the
# file /etc/apt/sources.list to add [trusted=yes] after deb
# and before https...cin...

# For example the line should be:
# deb [trusted=yes] xenial main
# Or for ub18:
# deb [trusted=yes] bionic main
# Also, on the install you will get an error message that you
# can either ignore as cinelerra will run anyway, or else (the
# first time only) on the commnand line keyin:
# echo > /etc/sysctl.d/50-cin.conf "kernel.shmmax=0x7fffffff"
apt update
apt install cin
# to update a previous install (ignore any i386 errors as only 64
# bit version available):
apt update
apt upgrade cin
# apt remove cin

# MINT should use the same procedure as Ubuntu, but
# apt-add-repository does not seem to work, so use the GUI
# UpdateManager as follows:
# Administration -> Software Sources -> Additional
# Repositories -> Add a new repository
# (Note instead of Administration, some versions of Mint GUI
# UpdateManager might be System)
# For Mint18, add:
# deb [trusted=yes] xenial main
# For Mint19, add:
# deb [trusted=yes] bionic main
# IMPORTANT NOTE: if you get "malformed input" error, you will
# have to create a file by typing the command: sudo touch
# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/additional-repositories.list then
# wait 10 minutes or so and try using the Gui Update Manager
# again.
apt update
apt install cin
# to update a previous install
apt update
apt upgrade cin
# apt remove cin

# DEBIAN uses the same basic procedure as Ubuntu.
# The apt-add-repository varies per system so you will have to
# use your best judgement
apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https
# OR
# apt-add-repository
# OR
# apt-add-repository
# VIP - for the first install, the above line adds cinelerra
# to /etc/apt/sources.list but... Debian jessie/buster are
# more strict for licensing so you will have to edit the file
# /etc/apt/sources.list to add [trusted=yes] after deb and
# before https...cin...
# For example for debian9:
# deb [trusted=yes] stretch main
# For example for debian9:
# deb [trusted=yes] buster main
apt update
apt install cin
#to update a previous install
apt update
apt upgrade cin
# apt remove cin

# (Note: you may have to zypper libavc and libiec versions if
# not already installed) cinelerra packages are unsigned so
# you will have to ignore: Package is not signed!

# openSUSE LEAP 15
zypper ar -f cingg
zypper install -r cingg cinelerra # or cinelerra10bit for 10 bit
# openSUSE LEAP 42
zypper ar -f cingg
# as of 42.3 SUSE there is a new requirement, so you will need
# to add:
zypper mr -G cingg
zypper install -r cingg cinelerra # or cinelerra10bit for 10 bit
zypper ar -f cingg
# as of 42.3 SUSE there is a new requirement,
# so you will need to add:
zypper mr -G cingg
zypper install -r cingg cinelerra
#zypper remove cinelerra
# or cinelerra10bit for 10 bit.
# to update a previous install
# (assuming you enabled autorefresh as above)
zypper refresh cingg
zypper up cinelerra
# or cinelerra10bit for 10 bit.

# substitute slk32 for slk64 and i486-1 for x86_64-1
wget -P /tmp{date}-slk64-x86_64.txz
installpkg /tmp/cin... # name you used in the above line
#to update a previous install
upgradepkg /tmp/cin... # name you used in the above line
#removepkg cin

# ARCH linux
# (A loosely defined list of packages that you should install
# first is listed in this file:
# first
# edit the file /etc/pacman.conf, to include the following:
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =
# end of cingg

# next run from a window the following 2 commands;
pacman -Syu
pacman -S cin

# NOTE: the first line above updates your Arch system to the
# current rolling release and the second line updates
# Cinelerra-GG based on the rolling release that was in effect
# on the last day of the month.
# Please complete the 2 steps above in order, one right after
# the other to avoid risk of a partial upgrade.

# Due to the unpredictability of when Arch libraries are
# updated, performing an install of Cinelerra at any time
# other than shortly after the last day of the month when the
# new build package is created, could lead to library
# incompatibilities. In that case, please consider using the
# Arch static tar file for installation instead. to remove a
# previous install:
# pacman -R cin


... available2
Remember that a 32-bit distro does not address more than 4GB of memory, so you may have stability and performance problems with large, high-resolution mediafiles.
The CINELERRA-GG Community, 2021