
How to use Denoise FFT

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Maybe I missed something obvious but I can not figure out how to use the audio effect denoise fft.

I suppose it works similarly to how denoise works in audio tool like Audacity. You need to specify a time window in a track that contain noise and specifty how much "reduction" of that noise you want. Audacity has a three dials or so to control different parameters.

In cinerella-gg, the graphical tool shows one dial for "denoise power", has one option for the number of sample to use as reference. The dialog shows that the keyframe is sthe start of the reference. But how do we specify keyframe?  I assumed that the golden key that appear in the time line on the effect bar would indicate the beginning sample. But however I use that effect, the sound in exactly the same.

I was able to process the sound in Audacity, but it would make my workflow easier to be able to do it from cinelerra directly.

Bonus question, can we apply the same effect on different tracks?

Thanks a lot!



Simply put, if you record yourself with a microphone :
1) You record 15 seconds of background noise (without talking).
2) After 15 seconds, you speak.
3) You stop recording.
4) You place the FFT effect on the whole length of the recording (including the 15 seconds of background noise).
5) Then place your cursor at the beginning of the 15 seconds. Enter the number of samples in the effect presets, e.g. 65536.
This has the effect of creating a keyframe that marks the beginning of the reference range which, in our example, ends at 65536 samples later.

During playback, the background noise is then automatically removed along the entire length of the effect.



Bonus question.

To replicate an effect on other tracks you use Shared Effects:
1- you apply denoiseFFT to an audio track and adjust it as you wish.
2- RMB to another audio track and choose "Attach effect".
3- In the middle column (Shared Effects) choose denoiseFFT (if it is the only effect it is already selected)
4- OK and in the second track the denoiseFFT will appear without possibility of modification; it will depend only on the parent effect.
5- repeat for any track we want.

See also:



Can I use your explanation in the manual?



Of course you can use my explanation to update the manual.
It is always a great pleasure for me to make cinelerraGG evolve even if unfortunately I know nothing about programming. Nevertheless, my experience as a user allows me to bring the knowledge I have gained from my personal productions.
If you need further explanations do not hesitate...

andreapaz 14/01/2021 7:36 pm


Thank you, I have added your description.
If you read through the manual and see that there is something to correct or improve, feel free to propose your own revision. Audio plugins are the most overlooked due to lack of expertise, but any section of the manual is just as good. The manual is a work in progress: the more contributions we receive, the better the result will be.

Topic starter


OK that worked. Thanks!


OK, I think I understand. Thank you for the explanation!

I assume RMB is "Right Mouse Button"

If I have an effect on track 1 that I want to copy on track 2, it seems that the span of applicability of the effect on track 1 need to include when the effect needed on track 2. And even if track1 is done by the time track 2 starts. Is that right?


Thank you for your prompt response.
I will be sure to get back to you if needed.

I would like to answer your question but I don't quite understand your explanation.
Please give me some details so that I can really understand your problem.



Sorry, the instructions I put are wrong and apply to "Shared tracks". I have edited point 3- and I attach a clarifying video here:

PS: Due to my poor English, I also didn't quite understand your last message.

Topic starter

(I could not access the video, I requested access through google drive.)

No problem. English isn't my first language either. And thanks for taking the time to explain.


Let's assume you have two clips of 10 seconds. The first one is on track 1 from time 0s to 10s. You attach an effect (say gain) to it. The effect applies to a time range as well. By default it is the same as the track from 0s to 10s.

When you add clip2 on track 2. Maybe that clip isn't starting at the beginning, maybe it goes from 5s to 15s. When you attach the shared effect to track 2, cinelerra puts the shared effect from 0s to 15s.

However when you render the project, it appears the effect only applies from 0s to 10s and it drops at 10s. So the effect did apply on the whole clip on track1, but only half the clip on track2.

However, if you adjust the time the effect applies on track 1 to the time range 0s to 15s, then the effect applies to both clip "as intended".

Is that correct?



Personally, I confirm that I arrive at the same result after tests on several other effects.
So, unless I'm mistaken, I think it's normal.


I put your explanation of DenoiseFFT in the manual; if you want to correct/improve it let me know. Thank you.




Superb, good work and many thanks for the feedback. But I think there's going to be some confusion.
Since English is not my mother tongue I use a translator and he either doesn't translate correctly or I don't understand these two sentences.

"This is the Signal audio clip"
It may be right but I don't understand this sentence. But for me it doesn't fit the function. I think its 15 seconds "represent the background noise that the filter uses as a reference". So I would translate it more like that.

"This is the whole Noise Audio clip"
For me, once again, I understand this sentence. For my part, I would replace it by "represents the recording whose filter should remove the background noise".

"This has the effect of creating a keyframe that marks the beginning of the reference range, reported in point 1which, in our example, ends at 65536 samples later. "
For greater clarity, I also propose to amend the above text as follows:

This has the effect of creating a key frame that marks the beginning of the reference range, mentioned in point 1, which in our example ends at 65536 samples later.

andreapaz 12/02/2021 7:40 am

Thanks. Your corrections are now in the manual, see if they fit:



Thank you for making the correction.
