This is the easiest and fastest way to get Cinelerra-GG, always having the latest updated version available.
You can find the documentation here.
Select your distro, you can find the documentation here.
Alternative: Single-user builds
IMPORTANT Update – CinelerraGG has switched from providing Package or Tar distributions to only AppImage. The latest AppImage release can be found here along with instructions for usage in the file README.appimage.
You can still follow the instructions below to use the Tar version dated October 31, 2020.
These only have to be extracted and can be run directly with the file “cin”. Using this method, multiple versions of Cinelerra-GG can be tested without deleting previous ones. An example: If you run into problems, you can run the old version again until there is a fix available.
AV Linux
AV Linux is a downloadable/installable shared snapshot ISO image based on MX Linux. It provides the user an easy method to get an Audio and Video production workstation without the hassle of trying to find and install all of the usual components themselves. Of course, it includes Cinelerra-GG!
You can read all about it and download AVLinux AVLinux Download.
Bodhi Linux Media
Bodhi Linux Media is a free and open source distribution that comes with a curated list of open source software for digital artists who work with audio, video, includes Cinelerra GG, games, graphics, animations, physical computing, etc.
Click here for more information about Bhodi Linux and the download.
DeLinuxCO is a distro derived from Manjaro (so Arch based) with DE Cinammon. It is a professional workstation, mainly oriented to the multimedia field but not only. It contains many specialized programs already configured, including Cinelerra-GG.
You can read all about DeLinuxCo here and download here .
Elive, or Enlightenment live CD, is a non-commercial, cost-free operating system based on Debian, for the daily use and it can be used both as live CD or Installed system. Elive uses a customized Enlightenment desktop. It is fast, user-friendly and feature-rich and Cinelerra-GG Infinity is included in the 64 bit version.
Click here for more information. In addition, Elive Linux is providing a package build with the Help info for Debian 12 Bookworm, Debian 11 Bullseye, and Debian 10 Buster for an easy Cinelerra-GG installation for both 64 and 32 bit. The packages for 12 are here, for 11 are here, and the packages for 10 are here – just download the .deb file in that directory and install via “dpkg -i “.
Here you can find the console commands to clone and update the Cinelerra-GG git. To create your own build, please have a look at the instructions on page 15 in the user manual.
git clone “git://git.cinelerra-gg.org/goodguy/cinelerra.git” cinelerra5
cd cinelerra5/cinelerra-5.1 # toplevel directory
git pull origin master
Other branches
Cinelerra-GG Infinity is a merge of (mostly) 3 Cinelerra developments, from the original Cinelerra (HV), Cinelerra-CV and own code from Good Guy also called GG. It combines the best features of all branches in a single branch. If you want to learn more about the other branches read on, detailed information can be found on the About page or on Wikipedia.
Cinelerra: This is the original, by inventor Adam Williams and is also called Cinelerra-HV by community members. HV stands for Heroine Virtual, but is not part of the official name. The Cinelerra (HV) original offers neither developer nor community support. More about this on the About page.
Cinelerra-CV: was the stable community version in the past but further development was moved to here because the DNS, cinelerra-cv.org, was no longer being maintained and Cinelerra-GG had to pick up support for that. The code repo is here. The main repo is here.
Cinelerra-CVE: Based on the stopped Cinelerra-CV branch, the developer Einar Rünkaru continues to develop his own version of Cinelerra, which is still in development.
Lumiera: This is not based on the original Cinelerra code, but was inspired by Cinelerra. Lumiera is a separate development that builds on GTK+ and is still in the pre-alpha phase. More information on the project page.
Documentation and Source Code
All documentation is available in English only. We are working on making the documentation available in several languages in the future. If you can’t wait, you can alternatively use Google Translator or DeepL.
Source code
The current source of Cinelerra-GG is available as a .tgz file here
You can also check out the code current development.
User Manual
Here you can find the Cinelerra-GG Infinity User Manual.
Here you can find the md5 checksums of all offered downloads.
Context Help
For a description of getting Help while running the program.
HTML User Manual
This is the HTML version of the User Manual.
file storage
Here is the test folder for our volunteer supporters. Here we occasionally store files to be tested or revised.