44.1 Mhz or 48 Mhz ...
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44.1 Mhz or 48 Mhz ?

3 Posts
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Hello everyone,


I've just started a new video project with CIN and I'm using as source files an mp4 video at 50 fps whose audio track is at 44.1 Mhz, captured with OBS. At the same time as the video, I recorded an audio file with an external microphone in another program, which is also in 44.1 Mhz. It is set in CIN exactly to the audio track of the video.


I set the video format in CIN to 50 fps and the audio to 44.1 Mhz and it worked well for my first rendering tests.


But before going any further I'd like to know if you'd advise me to switch to 48 Mhz for the audio in CIN, knowing that I can easily convert my audio files to 48 Mhz and that in any case these are preliminary tests and that I'm likely to make other recordings? Or can I stay at 44.1 Mhz without any problem? (The video is intended for broadcast on Youtube)


Thank you in advance for your help.


3 Réponses


Youtube says 44.1kHz recommended, but higher 48kHz/96kHz certainly accepted and the note I found with that recommendation may be outdated.  If your video and audio are staying "in sync" that really is what is most helpful.  One thing I have found with a 44.1 audio, for some render formats, if I am lazy and just take the default audio preset format, Cin will notify me of an error and I just change the Settings->Format to 4800 (but I am only testing and not doing real work).

Hopefully, someone with more experience will be able to respond with better advice!

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Thank you very much for your help.

We see everywhere that 48Kz is required for cinema, but 44.1 seems to be quite suitable. I sent a test of the video to a professional studio and it doesn't seem to have caused any problems.


As far as rendering is concerned, for the moment there's no problem with mp4 but we'll have to see what happens with other formats. I'll do a test as soon as I get a chance and let you know what happens at home.


All my Projects use 48kHz audio sample rate, but the audio sample rate of my camera is 48kHz.

So I would use the same audio sample rate of the videocamera or the highest among your media.
