Are Tiff layers rec...
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[Résolu] Are Tiff layers recognised by Cinelerra and is compressed 32 bit float better than uncompressed 16 bit?

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I tested some Tiff images with saved layers (from Darktable) in Cinelerra and so far it seems to only recognize the flattened image.  Is there a way to separate the layers?  If not, does Cinelerra offer parametric masking along with the chromakey? 

I edited a large sequence of images that will be imported via a list, and did extensive work with parametric masks.  I wanted to have the option of a darker blurred backgound or furthur compositing with chromakey. 

In case I wanted to furthur edit the sequences in Natron or  Blender, for this or future projects, is compressed (compression level of 5 which I believe is mid-level) & type is: deflate with predictor)) 32 bit float preferred over uncompressed 16 bit?  I will be working in RGBA float project.

5 Réponses

What I know for, Cinelerra-GG don't see TIFF's layers.

blueskies3 wrote:
Is there a way to separate the layers?

Probably you can do it using IMAGEMAGICK but I have never tried, sorry.

blueskies3 wrote:
does Cinelerra offer parametric masking along with the chromakey?

Cinelerra-GG have 8 masks (from 0 to 7) for Video track and they can be keyframable.

blueskies3 wrote:
I wanted to have the option of a darker blurred backgound or furthur compositing with chromakey.

Could you show us your goal, please? Cinelerra has many features but works differently from photo editing programs (and other NLE).

blueskies3 Début du sujet 13/12/2022 4:49

@igorbeg  I do think that parametric masks would have been be ideal since I have so many images to create the stop motion effect, and the subject is moving.  I'm hoping that with background being different in hue and exposure, I should be able to apply the chromakey effect sucessfully.  Here is an image sample that is layered Tiff.  


blueskies3 Début du sujet 13/12/2022 5:08

@igorbeg sorry, here are the updated links showing a tiff image saved with layers and the separated layers.  It would have been ideal to be able to use the masks created in Darktable...:







I am not sure how to work with TIff layers in Cinelerra.  Hopefully Andrea or Igor will have some suggestions.


I don't think CinGG supports graphical layers, but I've never actually tested it. Maybe Andrew, looking at the code, could find out.
For Mask tool, I don't really understand what you want to do.
CinGG internally works in 32-bit Float, so I think that is the best setting.

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I am having trouble sending my links so here's another try.  My goal is to be able to change the background to something else that will be composited in, if that is the correct terminology.  





phylsmith2004 15/12/2022 12:58



I downloaded the files that Blueskies3 provided and loaded them into CinGG - quite interesting !  I wonder if you are doing editing that YOU are on the forefront of discovering how to handle and there may not be any answers available from other users who can share.


Thanks @blueskies3 for your files.
Like @phylsmith2004 I downloaded your files and put them in a demo Project.
You can download that demo project from:

In that project you can see three Video tracks.
From bottom to top there are: "V1_Mask_BW" (Black and White), "V1_BKG" (BacKGround), and "V1" (the Main track).
On the "V1_Mask_BW", the Blur effect can be useful to blur the edges of the mask (when the colour change from black to white).
Keep in mind that Blur effect uses pixel values so, if you, like me, use Proxy with "Rescaled to project size" unchecked, you have to do a little workaround.
I inserted Invert Video effect to invert the mask: black become white and white become black.
The output doesn't look very good to me but you can tell if it can be useful to you or not.
