Eminent Member
Inscription: Mai 9, 2020
Last seen: Fév 3, 2023
Sujets: 0 / Réponse: 30
Answer to: How to create a gap in a clip by splitting and trimming ? answer

@Phylsmith2004 Many thanks for your feedback.I'll make a note of it for the next time.

Il y a 2 ans
Answer to: How to create a gap in a clip by splitting and trimming?

@Jin First of all, I answer directly to your post since it works. Ok, I understand better what you want.I suggest you this method (see the video t...

Il y a 2 ans
RE: Animated Split Screens

Excellent work and superb tuto as usual.Your knowledge of cinGG is incredible and your tutorials fascinate me.

Il y a 2 ans
RE: New tutorial on Titles Animations: Lower Third effect

@IgorBeg Many thanks for this great tutorial.I also think that Cinelerra-GG is exceptional and very logical unlike other video editing software.

Il y a 2 ans
Answer to: Problem with using the mask

@capoline I just tried to reproduce your problem.For your information, I use the latest appimage version of CinelerraGG.Indeed in YUV-8 bits and RGB...

Il y a 3 ans
Answer to: Crash at startup

@IgorBeg "If installed in your system, could you search where calf folder is in your system, please? (I think @phylsmith2004 can help for that becau...

Il y a 3 ans
Answer to: Crash at startup

@IgorBeg I apologise for not replying earlier but I was unable to post anything on the forum.I hope this time it will be the right one. Fi...

Il y a 3 ans
Répondre à: Crash at startup

@phylsmith2004 As you asked me, I just reloaded the index via Settings → Preferences → Interface tab → Reload plugins index and click on OK which pe...

Il y a 3 ans
Answer to: Crash at startup

@phylsmith2004 I get the list of LV2 plugins via lv2ls. Then in Settings->Preferences, Interface tab, I changed the default value of LV2 to: ...

Il y a 3 ans
Répondre à: Crash at startup

@phylsmith2004 Hello, I followed the procedure you suggested to the letter and, miraculously, everything works correctly without any particular pr...

Il y a 3 ans
Répondre à: Crash at startup

First of all, thank you very much for responding so quickly. Here is the result of the printenv command SHELL=/bin/bashSESSION_MANAGER=local/396...

Il y a 3 ans
Répondre à: Crash at startup

Hello, I'm answering to myself but mostly to pass on the information to the community.I managed to launch cinelerraGG. In my previous message I un...

Il y a 3 ans
Answer to: How to use Denoise FFT

@andreapaz Thank you for making the correction.

Il y a 4 ans
Answer to: Have you ever used /path/script.sh + argvs ?

@PhyllisSmith Thank you for your prompt response. Yes that's right. The manual page isAfter reading it, I realized that there was an example that...

Il y a 4 ans
Answer to: How to use Denoise FFT

@andreapaz Superb, good work and many thanks for the feedback. But I think there's going to be some confusion.Since English is not my mother tongue ...

Il y a 4 ans
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