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False guides trick

7 Beiträge
5 Benutzer
2,952 Ansichten

Hi... to share a little trick I discovered. As I have a lot of tracks  and from time to time I need to align several clips in different tracks visually, quickly, acurately and easily. I always wondered why the guides are a must in all graphic software and not in video edition software.

Anyway if you use the in point marker in the location you want  and the out point marker elsewere (its not important) and you hit Shift-L you get a nice green line (in fact two one for the in and another for the out point)  to visually align your clips in as many tracks as you need.

This two lines are intended to  loop between in and out points. But who cares...

When you finish, you hit Shift-L again and Ctrl-M to clean the "guides" and the mark points.

By the way as the in/out points have preference to everything, so  it is always a good idea to Ctrl-t them to clean it up as soon as you don't need them, to avoid "funny" things when you try to paste or things like this or like that.

Forgive me if I'm reinventing the wheel. To me is useful to align visually a lot of clips and I have thought it will be nice to share .




7 Antworten

This is a nice "trick" -- I tried it and it works really well.  Never thought to do it that way!  Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the interesting trick. Works great, only with Ctrl+M the markers don't disappear for me.



Use Shift-L to set the green marker lines and Shift-L again to clear them.



Great trick, thank you!
If we have unaligned edits in different tracks (armed), we can go into "Cut and Paste" mode and select an area of the timeline that completely contains the edits we want to align. Then we go to the "Edit --> align edit" menu; the edits involved will be aligned and act as a group. It's not often that we use this feature in complex projects, but I mention it because it's little known.


Good tip to have in my backpack of cinelerra tips and tricks @andreapaz. Anyway, the guides are really useful when you try to align footage, not clips. An example of use is when you try to align audio to a certain position in the timeline or my main use when I have to align visually several tracks  in a multicamera edition (with a separate audio track).

With the aid of the guides it is really quick  and easy to align the cameras using the drawings of the audio waves  . I can zoom the waves with Ctrl+ Up arrow and it is a child play to align all the audios. And really quick. I do not need even the clasic clapping the hands or hit the clapperboard, the wave sounds have all the same pattern. I choose a point in the main audio track, have my guide in position and align the cameras visually using the audio tracks of the cameras. Afterwards I  x-cut the left side of all the tracks and get rid of them.  In this way  I can align three cameras and a separate audio track in a few seconds .

Hope someone finds all this stuff useful.


Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 4 Jahren von armando

Great tips and tricks I just learned. I thank you for it and take note of it right away.


I put your tip in the manual; if you have any tips/improvements let me know. Thank you so much; it's a very useful tip for my editing!
