Última vez visto el: Ene 21, 2025
@igorbeg No, I haven't tried. I can't install it via Arch Linux's AUR, due to conflicts with old libraries. I haven't tried compiling from git either,...
@tbressure One attempt to find some clues is to try running CinGG from the terminal, repeat the render farm, and see if there are any error messages w...
I am also confused. Minterpolate has many algorithms to choose from, perhaps some are “motion estimation,” some are “optical flow,” and some are simpl...
I think Minterpolate uses classical interpolations (not Optical Flow). See the ffmpeg manual:Minterpolate is also present in CinGG and, I think, is wo...
Georgy gave an answer on the forum which I quote here:"I used slowmovideo for smoothing not only filmed clips, but alsoartificially generated ones (su...
Sorry, I don't understand very well. As IgorBeg says a little video would be helpful. (to post on a streaming service like “streamable”). To get more ...
@dejay Can I ask you, if you have a chance, to make a small video tutorial? It would be interesting to put it in the YouTube channel.
Very nice, congratulations. I always liked to see mixing (animated) graphics and video and you did it very well. The message is also good.
My compliments.Nice editing, nice music and nice atmosphere.
@nostromo Unfortunately, changing the code of CinGG to give it Color Management requires expertise not only in C++ but also in OpenGL and color scie...
@cincity Absolutely do not buy it! I don't think it works in CinGG, and even if it were possible to adapt it, I don't see who could do it. It should...