Eminent Member
Inscription: Juil 24, 2020
Last seen: Jan 18, 2021
Sujets: 0 / Réponse: 27
Answer to: False guides trick

Good tip to have in my backpack of cinelerra tips and tricks @andreapaz. Anyway, the guides are really useful when you try to align footage, not clips...

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Replies: 6
Views: 1766
Answer to: Is there a way to lock a Keyframe to an effect?

First of all, thank you so much. Because I have a track that contains only the text effects and the images that "overlays" up my main timeline edit, ...

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Replies: 2
Views: 1990
RE: Reset project files path?

@igorbeg Sorry Igor. Yesterday I have had trouble in moving my cin proyects from one location to another. At last i figured out the error and delete...

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Answer to: Multiple selection in edition mode

Hi, In my ubuntu studio 20.04 the alt key (as expected) drag the entire window, so... The keys that work to drag select are: shift + alt + LMB to ...

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RE: Is there a way to go to hours/minutes/seconds/frames?

Really impressed and practically in no time. Amazing. And very complete the dialog box. Impressed again. Or rather in shock Thank you very much.

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RE: Is there a way to go to hours/minutes/seconds/frames?

Great. Thank you again and of course to all the Cin people. Armando

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RE: Is there a way to go to hours/minutes/seconds/frames?

@phylsmith2004 Hi, Phillys. Tanks for your quick response. Of course you're right, I can go to min/sec/frames clicking in the rightmost third box i...

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RE: Text effect and lower thirds

@phylsmith2004 Nice trick. Love it. Quick and dirty but gets the job done. Tank you so much for the tip. Armando 🙂

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RE: Text effect and lower thirds

@andreapaz Great, great...thank you so much. I'ts just what I was looking for. And again, it's amazing what this software can do so easily. And ...

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Replies: 5
Views: 1751
RE: Inskape svg plugin with no transparency?

@igorbeg Thank you for your kind help. I always use RGBA model, because I use a lot the Tittle/text plugin to sobreimpress text to image. I'm usin...

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RE: Inskape svg plugin with no transparency?

@phylsmith2004 Great. It is wonderful the quick and kind response. Thank you so muuuuchhhh...! 🙂

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