Last seen: Avr 7, 2020
Dear Phyllis, from my fonts I know the licenses. I know this because they are all licensed. This is true for the fonts I bought as well as for fonts w...
I don't see any usage licenses and have no interest in checking every single font for its possible usage. I will simply remove them. This is the end o...
@andreapaz: "because it is more intuitive and immediate" On the contrary, as it is, it's the biggest shit. Not without reason, the Alpha version of ...
@phyllissmith Don't go into actionism right away. By the way, the link to the display of my posting is located right below the comments (this is due...
I have made a drawing that should show how I imagine the videoscope to work. The video data is taken from the composer without the frame rate of the c...
Okay, so the videoscope needs a lot of CPU. But that doesn't explain why the frame rate (fps) decreases. Your example shows that ~ 5 of the 16 cores a...
Package listings: c&p (PDF -> Clipboard). This parameter also destroys the desired formatting. The description can be found on page 21: 2.10 Fi...
Folks, please keep the ball low until the document is ready.This PDF is the superior showcase manual, a business card, if you will put it that way. Wi...
LFOM: "Atom x5 processor and 4GB of RAM.""[…] With this, the Atom x5-Z8350 easily handles all Android apps and is also suitable for simple everyday ap...
Try the following (put it in settings.tex somewhere at the beginning)% Set up the page layout% memman.pdf capter 2: Laying out the page (READ IT!)% ex...
I had reset the document format to the standard dimensions of the document class, because the calculation of the type area is a delicate matter that r...
Am I supposed to be the xxxxxxx now because my criticism actually contains criticism, or was that a joke that escaped me? How could it go on now? If...
On the left side in the patchbay there is a switch ("the eye") with which the graphical display of the media can be switched off. You have already dis...
Nice defiant reaction.
I don't think you have anything to apologize for. You're a free artist and I don't yet criticize in terms of content but technically. The only thing y...