Attempting to attac...
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Attempting to attach title to new track

7 Beiträge
4 Benutzer
3,709 Ansichten

I'm doing what I have always done i. e. create and arm a new track, set the length with in and out points, select Attach effect, select Title and..........nothing. I have 3 tracks for titles and have tried them all. I can attach a title to the video track and also to the title track if I first insert a clip, so the plugin works. I am using 20210630. It doesn't work in any of the other Appimage versions I have either, but that may just be a co-incidence.

I haven't used titles since the end of 2020, so I wonder if I have missed anything in the last few updates, because it does work the way I expected if I open my backed-up version of Arch 20180130.x86_64-static (only static the others won't open), so I know I haven't gone mad! 🙂 

7 Antworten


Only 1 change to the Title plugin has been made in 2021 and that was to add a Reset button to make it easy for the user to revert to the initial default values. In addition, default values were changed to be more amenable to users.

There have been no problems reported but that does not mean much.  I am "guessing" that possibly there is a problem with the $HOME/.bcast5/titler.xml file which is used to preserve your current Titler plugin settings.  My suggestion is to make a copy of that somewhere else and then delete it.  Bring up Cinelerra again and try the Title plugin to see is it works now -- it will no longer have your original settings until you set them again the way you want.

Let me know if this solves the problem which I hope because I have no other ideas at this time.


Thanks Phyllis. I renamed the .bcast5 folder then opened Cin and let it start another, but it didn't cure it, however it gave me another idea. What works is putting a short clip on the title track, adding the titler to that, then moving the effect to where it is required, which must not overlap the clip, setting the length and deleting the short clip (if the title overlaps the clip, the title will also be deleted), so I have a work-around. It's a nuisance, but it works. 


I confirm the issue. Using "Attach effect" doesn't work; dragging the plugin from the Resources window works fine.




OK, it is a bug.  I incorrectly substituted for "attach effect" to "drag the effect" because that is the way I always do this and so that explains why I could not get a failure (good thing Andrea checked this too).  I also mistakenly concentrated on the "Title" effect and none of the "attach effect" plugins work with In/Out pointers set.

So I have tracked down the error to have been introduced on June 26, 2020 with this GIT commit:

"plugin/transtions gang operations, commercial compile fix, segv in select_asset, repair remove pluginset with shared locations"

It will take some time for me to figure out which changes introduced the problem but it is most likely somewhere in track.C, track.h, tracks.C, tracks.h, tracksedit.C. I skimmed these and I think it is too hard for me to fix so hoping Andrew R will look too.



@DeJay wrote:

What works is putting a short clip on the title track, adding the titler to that, then moving the effect to where it is required, which must not overlap the clip, setting the length and deleting the short clip (if the title overlaps the clip, the title will also be deleted), so I have a work-around.

For a fast way you can use Highlight feature in "Cut and Paste editing mode". Take a look at (start from 5'40", O-6B "Define the destination region on the Timeline with the I-Beam"). It is for the clip/edit but it also works for Plugin (Effects).

In the bottom on the right of the Program wndow (Timeline) you can see the info about Start-Duration-End of your selection. With Shift+LMB button you can drag the edge of the selection.


Thanks all. 

For some reason, a long while ago I couldn't find Title in the Resources window and never looked again, I simply used Attach Effect. I just searched Resources again and found it. Immediate problem solved, no need for my work-around again.

I'm glad to have pinpointed a bug though, it's the only way I can help development.




Andrew_R has fixed this bug so it will be in the next release.  Thank you for always reporting and thanks to Andrew for always fixing.
