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UHD and 10-bit

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I just got a Fuji X-T3 which can produce UHD 10-bit footage that I want to import into Cin-GG. Questions:

1. Do I need to go to Cinx and openSUSE, or does Cin-GG handle it now? (I read that it does in Features and I also read that it doesn't in the manual)

2. Do I need to set the YUV colour space to BT2020? Output will be FHD so therefore BT709.

3. Should I set Format to RGB (or RGBA)-Float or will I not lose anything by working in YUV 8-bit?

3 Antworten


1- You have to look at which codec your Fuji uses (by the way, congratulations! They told me about it very well also from the video side), if it use h265 (HEVC) then you have to use CinX, otherwise the normal version is fine.
2- Sorry, I don't really understand how this setting works. I hope others can clarify that.
3- If you use a 10 bit workflow you have to use RGB-Float; otherwise you will have clipping. My advice is to create an intermediate file (ProRes, DNxHD, ffv1, etc.) and always work on that. Then choose the final rendering as you like.

DeJay Themenstarter 28/04/2019 3:05 pm

Thanks for the rapid reply (and the congratulations)! It's going to take me a long time to learn how to drive the X-T3.

To record 10-bit I have to use the H265 codec. I really don't want to have to use openSUSE for CinX, but I suppose if I have to.............

I import the 10-bit 2160p to Cin, roughly trim the clips then export them as ProRes to re-import for the other processes, but that's 10-bit also.

So far I seem to have got good results from my tests, but I need to be sure I am not damaging quality by using my NLE with the wrong settings. I have many more tests to do and I want to find out before I do any more, but despite Phyllis' excellent manual, I'm still finding some things confusing.


2) In Settings->Preferences, Appearance tab in the Color section is "YUV color space" that has a pulldown and can be set to BT2020 (default is BT601).  I actually have no idea what this does, but it must be relevant or GG would not have added it I suppose.  I will try to have him explain it to me.

Also, for testing purposes we might be able to make a CinX version for your operating system what ever that is.  We only created the H265 10-bit CinX for Suse because it was actually being used.  There are too many to create unless there is a real need.

DeJay Themenstarter 28/04/2019 4:38 pm

2. I understand what it does (I think!) but I was wondering if I needed to change it since I am essentially only importing h265 and transcoding it to ProRes.

Again, as I am working with ProRes files once transcoded, do I actually need CinX?

andreapaz 28/04/2019 5:09 pm

CinGG handles 10-bit ProRes. You don't need CinX. Does CinGG allow you to import and process 10-bit h265 files? I thought not.


Hopefully, a more technical user will know for sure, but I think you do not need the CinX version which is only needed in order to produce 10-bit rendered output H.265 (as opposed to 10-bit H.264 which is automatically available in Cin).  When I render a small section using Pro as the format and then look at the output in the Resources window, "Info" option, "Detail" I see:

     video1 prores 1920x1080 29.97 pix yuv422p10le

10-bit pixel formats are: yuv420p10le, yuv422p10le, yuv444p10le

BTW: the manual needs lots of work and I welcome and need ALL criticism.  When something is fuzzy in the manual, it usually means I haven't a clue so rather than say something wrong, it ends up being just plain confusing.  It will get better over time.

DeJay Themenstarter 29/04/2019 6:46 am

I managed to find out overnight that the camera h265 colour primaries are BT709 so I don't need to change that setting. Part of the voyage of discovery I guess!

Andreapaz yes it does import and process 10-bit h265 files, but will not render h265. I don't want to anyway.

Phyllis OK, I was being polite about the manual, but I can see it is a hell of a lot work and in any case is more complete than that of another NLE I could mention. The section on the use of effects is particularly useful.

Thank you both for your help.
