Cinelerra GG Infinity
Cinelerra GG Infinity is a free and open source video editing software for Linux. It handles rendering, compositing, motion tracking, video editing and much more. It is a rolling release, every month, and therefore the additional name Infinity. If you want to get started right away, click here.

What features does Cinelerra have?
Here you see a small part of the extensive features. Cinelerra GG Infinity is an 8k editor, supports LV2 like the audio mastering software Calf Studio Gear and works with multiple cameras. It supports proxies and has a text editor for creating titles and texts for your videos. Here you will find a more extensive feature list.
What is Cinelerra GG Infinity?
Cinelerra GG is a free video editing software that lets you edit your videos and make them look like a movie with transitions, effects and text. You can use it to cut out unsightly parts of your video, rearrange sequences, add beautiful transitions, improve visual detail or audio quality, and add music. Render your new video project directly with YouTube presets. Cinelerra GG Infinity is designed for professionals, but it’s just as good for beginners as it is for getting the most out of their videos.

Free video editing software
Cinelerra GG Infinity is a resource-saving free video editing software for Linux. It is characterized by extensive possibilities to modify video and audio media. Through the integration of the software package FFmpeg, hundreds of extensions and codecs therefore are available. It is certainly not comparable with the functionality of the most important commercial video editing software in the field of video postproduction, but it is more than sufficient for common user. It is free and open source. Together with many filmmakers, developers and supporters we pursue a continuous development, hence the additional name Infinity, for a monthly rolling release.
December 2024 new AppImage release
New AppImages of CinGG with the latest mods are now available here. Check your kernel and libc version to make sure you are at or above the one as listed below.
64-bit versions:
– currently based on Fedora 32, linux kernel 5.8.15, libc version 2.31
– currently based on Ubuntu 16.04, libc version 2.23
– currently based on Ubuntu 16.04, libc version 2.23
32-bit versions:
– currently based on Debian 9, linux kernel 4.9, use “newer” for Debian 11.0
– currently based on Debian 11, linux kernel 5.10
A one-time special Intel® Hardware AppImage is also available that takes advantage of specific installed Intel® hardware and software of QSV (Quick Sync Video), oneVPL (Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library interface for video decoding, encoding, and processing), as well as many av1, qsv, and vaapi hardware specific render formats. You can download this AppImage here.
Nvidia encode headers have been updated from to with the minimum Nvidia Linux driver requirement of 550.54.14.
SVT-AV1 has been updated from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 with some speedup improvements.
Building with oneVPL is now available using –with-onevpl on the configure line, which requires the Intel “onevpl-devel” package to be installed. The package name on your distro may be slightly different.
ShuttlePro v2 & ShuttleXpress
Many video editing experts prefer to work with the appropriate video editing control devices to increase workflow. In response to user demand, we have integrated the Jog Wheels ShuttlePROv2 and ShuttleXpress into Cinelerra-GG to facilitate intuitive operation. More detailed information can be found in the User Manual.

Is Cinelerra GG Infinity also available for other operating systems?
Cinelerra GG Infinity is available for GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. Due to the lack of professional video editing applications for Linux, Cinelerra was developed for Linux. Cinelerra GG therefore serves as a replacement and for this reason there is no Windows or Mac version. We support up to nine different distributions. Click here to go to the download overview page.

I need help, who can help me?
We are a free community of filmmakers and developers and help each other. If you don’t know what to do and need help, our dedicated volunteers or developers will help. Here you will find a support overview of all important contact points, from forums, issue trackers to mailing lists. If you are new here, we recommend that you use the forum first. Here you will find the documentation, try to get a small overview there.