Cinelerra-GG is supported by members of the community and the current programmers. Support can be obtained by sending email to cin [@] lists.cinelerra-gg.org. For ongoing support, please subscribe to the mailing list as a member so that you have easy access to current issues. To subscribe, click here. This mailing list is archived for future reference so that it can be followed later via https://lists.cinelerra-gg.org/pipermail/cin/ .
Support from the community is ongoing with minimal requirements for providing patches, bug fixes, modifications, or coding help from anywhere in keeping with the single solution philosophy. Testing by active members of the community early on in the cycle generally results in the ‘end of the month’ builds being quite stable. Since many features are derived from ffmpeg, the ffmpeg documentation and forums are also quite helpful.
Since our members come from all over the world, the language of communication is English. If you need some help and your English isn’t so good, we recommend using the DeepL translator. Many of our users get very good results with this translator and can communicate well with us even though they hardly speak English.
Support overview
Get help (issue tracker)
Sometimes bugs happen, but don’t worry, we are happy to help fix them. Just report a bug and we’ll all enjoy a more stable Cinelerra GG.
Please read the instructions on the bug tracker page carefully and provide all necessary information.
Sign in to our bug tracker and get help directly from our friendly developers and community members. Click on the text.
Get in touch with us (mailing list)
Subscribe to our mailing list for the latest developments and exchange ideas with our developers and community members.
For discovered bugs or feature requests, we recommend using the Bug Tracker. If you have any other questions or topics, please feel free to contact us via our mailing list, please klick here.
Archive Search
We have set up the possibility for you to search our mailing archive if you are looking for something specific. This option was activated in April 2019, so you will have to search emails before this date manually. All messages after this date are included in the search database.
Are you looking for documentation and further information about Cinelerra GG?
We have created a number of PDF documents to help you get started with Cinelerra GG.
Tutorials created by users can be found in the forum.
Click on the text.
In our forum you can exchange with other users and share your creative work, it is our artist corner. There you will also find some useful tutorials created by users.
If you have any questions other users will surely help you, direct help from the developers can be found on our mailing list. Subscribe to the mailing list for technical support.
Click here.
Cinelerra-GG YouTube Channel
Here you can find our YouTube channel, with some tutorials on Cinelerra-GG, made by community members. Also in the forum we have a large collection of videos also from other YouTube channels. If you want to publish a video about Cinelerra-GG on our channel, you can contact us in the forum.