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07/05/2024 8:00 am
Topic starter
Hello @everyone
I have various keyframes at every single clip.
When I move clips around those keyframes do not move.
Is there a possibility to stick keyframes to a video clip?
edit: I have been able to manage it somehow. But it was just luck and the behaviour seemed unpredictible to me.
This topic was modified 9 months ago 2 times by cincity
1 Answer
07/05/2024 3:08 pm
Under the "Settings" pulldown, there is the option of "Keyframes follow edits". Initially, by default, it is checked automatically on.
cincity Topic starter
07/05/2024 3:17 pm
This is enabled in my case.
I often have problems that keyframes are changed by keyframes of previous clips.
Especially when I have lots of changes e.g. camera follwing. That needs really a lot of keyframe changes. This is really difficult. Meanwhile I switched over to use more tracks. But it stays difficult ^^